Restorative Justice is delivered at various stages within stages the criminal justice system as per below: As part of an out of court disposal – Restorative Justice can be offered as part of an alternative to a Caution **prosecution** for young people/adults who have committed low – level offences.
The person harmed by the offence and the person responsible must consent to take part. This is often delivered by the Police or by Community Justice Panel Volunteers. Pre-sentence – Courts are now able to defer a sentence for a period of up to six months to allow Restorative Justice to take place between the person harmed and the person responsible for the offence where both parties consent to take part.
The outcome of the intervention will be shared with the Judge and this may inform the sentencing outcome.
Post sentence – Restorative Justice takes place between the person harmed and the person responsible for the offence following the sentence outcome and will not have an impact on reducing the sentence.